How to choose your university and what life is like after university!

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September 23, 2019

On Sunday, June 23rd, MUSUBU hosted an event titled ‘How to choose your university and what life is like after university!’ The MUSUBU executive team formed the panel and moderated the event in English in a friendly atmosphere.

This event was organized in response to voices from parents of university and high school students in the Japanese Canadian community, on the path each panelist took, to select the university and the program of study, and achieve career goals.

The MUSUBU executive team work in diverse occupations, and each panelist took turns to share their educational background and how they overcame challenges, such as paying tuition, and how their job-hunting experiences were like. The panel encouraged students to proactively attend university information sessions and job fairs, and reach out to trusted people around them for help when needed, and by and large others will lend a hand. The panel left a message with the audience that not knowing the program to select, or being unsure with what career to pursue are not necessarily negative experiences. There is more than just one path to take to achieve goals and the students have a world of diverse opportunities in front of them.

The discussion ended with Q&A followed by attendees having the opportunity to talk to the panelists directly while enjoying refreshments. In conclusion, there were many frank conversations after the panel discussion among parents, students and panelists. Both students and parents mentioned the event was informative and encouraging, and they gained motivation and insights into their future.